Thursday, February 2, 2012

Yarn Stash

Well, here's my true confessions moment.  This is Yarnageddon.  The Stash.  The Wooly Mammoth.  The reason I am no longer buying yarn.  (Until the pile is gone....)

In my defense, I work with senior's and a lot of this yarn has been given to me by dear little ladies who can no longer wield the hook or needles.  Who can turn down good yarn?  Not me, obviously.

I finished the wool-eater afghan last night, (six skeins gone!)  and am considering my options at the moment.  I found some beautiful black mohair in the pile, and think my next project will be a scarf for Jackie, Stacey's mum, who is visiting from Moncton right now.

Happy Hooking!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Recipe - Egg in a Hat

This recipe is as humble as it gets.  My youngest loves this dish beyond reason, and used to sneak down to Grandma's house and ask her to make him one.  Also known as 'Toad in a Hole' by some, but as one wise 12 year old said last night, who wants to eat a toad?

All you need is eggs, bread and butter.  Along with a frying pan of course, and a small round cookie cutter or very small glass.

Butter the bread generously on both sides.  Cut out a circle from the middle of the bread.  Place on a hot frying pan, and crack an egg into the middle of the bread.  Don't forget to nestle in the little rounds of buttered bread in your pan as well.  Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.  Fry for a while on one side, then flip to the other side and let it cook a little longer.  When both sides are golden brown, slide it on to your plate, and top the egg with the bread round (or hat).  I usually cook eight at a time on my big griddle, which is non stick, so the butter on the bread is enough to fry the egg.  If you're using a frying pan or cast iron pan, it probably wouldn't hurt to throw a little butter in the pan before you add the bread and eggs.   

If you are very health conscious, you can fry the egg in a ring of sliced green or red pepper.  Very pretty.  I'll stick with the original, though!

**Disclaimer - The eight servings on the griddle are not just for me!